

June has been such a good month, it's always my favourite month.
1. because it's my birthday and 2. it marks the start of summer.
The first few weeks of June were, I will confess, hectic and stressful. The first 3 weeks included exams for all my major subjects so Triple Science, Maths, Psychology etc. So yeah, it wasn't a very fun few weeks. But then came June 19 2015 which marked the day of my last exam. WOOOOOO! Except the last exam had to be physics. BOOOOOO! The last exam was pretty crap but honestly, I didn't really care seeing as my 5 weeks of hardwork and anxiety were finally over. Now that I'm completely and I mean completely free, I'm trying to find a job, which is currently failing, and fill each day with an exciting adventure.
The biggest highlight of June was without a doubt, Prom. Prom was literally so good I can't really describe it in any other way. It was the best night I've had in a looooong time. I wish I could describe it to you but it was too astonishing to put into words. It's a bit either to display in picture form though so here are just a few pictures from the night. 



I have a reason for my delay in posting May's photo diary. One word, the word that we all dread, EXAMS. Yeah I know! So you forgive me? OK good :) May wasn't all that bad if you forget about:
  • Exams
  • The anxiety before an exam
  • The late nights revising a topic you haven't covered for an exam in the morning 
  • Writing down you candidate number, centre number, name blah blah blah
  • The little talks about what answers everyone put for a question on the paper, that you didn't
Despite all that it was quite good. I got a new plant, technically speaking a new orchid, her name is Lilo (top right). She was a spontaneous buy but I do not regret it because I think she is my favourite plant (sssh don't tell the others). I also officially finished secondary school this month. My Year 11 Leavers was very cute and special and I will miss so many people. I also had the honour of being awarded with Little Miss Trend Setter which I am very thankful for.
These aren't just random pictures ok. Let me tell you a little story. So one day after like half a day of revision me and Kaycee decided we were going to do some thrifting. In the first vintage store we went to I saw this beautiful denim shirt with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck etc on the back of it and I FELL IN LOVE. Like I didn't know what love was before I had seen that shirt. Here comes the sad bit right. SO, I ask the shop assistant how much the shirt is as it doesn't have a price tag. She says £18 and I was hopping it would be £10 or something so when she said 18 my heart just dropped into my stomach. So because I'm a cheap skate, especially when it comes to vintage clothing, I didn't get it and left. I was so pissed off with myself for not getting it but by the time I talked myself into getting the shirt it was too late. So now some guy/girl has a beautiful denim shirt that I want. SAD FACE
The best part of May was getting my Brand New Dr Martens! Yes I did already have a similar pair but they were looking old and used and I wanted a clean brand new pair. I'd been saving up for a while and finally had enough to grab myself a pair! I'm actually in love with them and the breaking in process isn't even that bad. Oh and I've started collecting funky socks, I'll make a blog post when the collection gets bigger.

For now I think it's goodbye, until next month!




The month of April... a month full of early mornings, bus rides, libraries, McDonalds lunches, revision and a hell lot of procrastination. The highlight however of April were the beautiful blossom trees flowering making for amazing pictures and making each day more bearable. The four photos above accurately sum up the month of April for me.  Top-Left image was me everyday of the Easter Holidays at 9:00am waiting for the bus to go to the library. Bottom-Left illustrates how distracting the library can be when you're attempting to revise. Of course I can't actually read french but found the book cover very aesthetically pleasing and henceforth took a picture of it. Bottom-Right image pictures the equipment used during the Mandela Project that I mentioned in my previous post. I am still yet to show you my work which will exhibited on Nelson Mandelas birthday (18 July).
The left picture is seriously pixelated but I couldn't not feature it. I bet you're sick of this girl that's always in my pictures but you'll have to deal with her like I have to >.< 
Anyway this is an image of us being our typical selves and laughing our heads off. I'll tell you the story behind the picture. So, Kaycee and I (pictured) were on an impromptu photoshoot and we were taking some buff selfies together then I got distracted and I wasn't concentrating, So I was like hold up wait I ain't ready then BOOM I went from silly to serious in seconds and my game face was on. This girl found it funny how I just went from joking to serious in a snap of the finger and that got her laughing and then it got me laughing cause she was laughing. The result, this picture.

The month of April has been full of beautiful sunsets, this one pictured is when I was on my jog (I know I go jogging, what?!?!? It was a one time thing) round my local lake. I'm obsessed and I mean obsessed with sunsets, I'm sure I have about 1,000 on my camera roll.

Anyway Kaycee (pictured above ) and I bid you a good bye and we will see you next time seeing as she'll probably be in another one of my posts. Bye!





HALF TERM WOOOO! The beginning of my half term was spent visiting family in the hot African country that is Nigeria. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and got to see so many old faces. Sadly I didn't get to record my time there via images as I didn't take my phone however the memories will stay with me always. The second week of this lovely Easter break has been spent in my home town but not very much at home. As soon as I got back from Nigeria I hit the books and started revising for my exams which start in a MONTH. So I've been up early at 7 to hit the library for 9. Aside from the studying I have been doing some "artwork" for a project I am doing that aims to tribute the life of Nelson Mandela. It's an amazing opportunity for me and I have been having so much fun. I love that I've learnt more about his works in South Africa. But of course while I was out and away from the books I decided to do some exploring and just get away from the stress that is exams.


Day 2 of the Nelson Mandela Project, The day was relaxed and calm with everyone painting, singing and dancing. I haven't captured what my work looks like so you'll have to wait and see. And of course not a day goes by without a photoshoot near a nice brick wall (pictured above) :---)

Here is my twin (in spirit not biologically) starting her piece of work. Kaycee (the girl pictured) is painting 2 hands originally cuffed together breaking free from the chains that spell Apartheid. As you can see Kaycee is an artiste and her work is looking amazing already without it being finished. I can assure you that mine looks no where near as good as that. But yeah here's a picture of my partner in crime and the girl behind the camera most of the time. For now I bid you farewell and leave you with this picture of Kaycee and I.

- Olusola




  March, definitely one my favourite months so far, I've met and spoken to a few new people and just enjoyed myself. I had the opportunity of going to one of the most beautiful places in the UK, The Lake District (pictured above) for an AS Geography Trip. The views were more exciting than the activities of course, I don't think I realised how much work I'd be doing. He's a brief overview of how a typical day would pan out.
7:00 - Wake up
8:15 - Breakfast (consisting of a Full English Breakfast, yum :))
9:00 - 1 hour lesson
10:30/11:00 - Off to do some fieldwork in town
13:00 - Lunch Time
16:30 - Back from an afternoon of fieldwork
17:00 - Another 1 hour lesson
18:15 - Dinner (often tasting horrible)
19:00 - Yet another 1 hour lesson ( + an essay question to complete)
20:30 - FREE TIME !!! (Would hang out in the recreation room playing ping pong, table football, pool or cards)
22:00 - "Bed Time"
Despite the boring lessons at 7PM, (who has a lesson at 7pm???) free time was loads of fun and I'm glad I got to go on this field trip with such a lovely group of people, it made each lesson bearable and the whole trip so much more enjoyable. The trip has created many memories and inside jokes :)

(Left to Right) Bel, Alice, Imogen, Ellice, Millie, ME
(Left to Right) Farah, Sammie, ME, Althaf, Corey, Prince, Alastair, Jamaal, Bhavarth, Orla, Olivia

Another highlight of the month was my friend Ellice's 16th birthday gathering. It was a cute mini get together of the girls. Ellice had beautifully decorated her house and garden. With a mini sweet shop inside the house and fairy lights everywhere!!! She even set up a mini camp fire with marshmallows and it was just so picturesque. Huddled in blankets we told stories, listened to music, talked prom, all the girly sha-bang and whats-not. It was just so nice and chill. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I hope Ellice did too! Happy 16th Ellice !!

Anyway, I'm signing out! Have a great day!
- Olusola


A DAY IN MY LIFE - 24.07.14

I guess this is a bit of a sneak preview huh. The outfits you see will actually be featured in a Summer Lookbook which should be on my channel on Sunday. I'm excited because for once I'd actually wear all the outfits I'm featuring or have already worn them. I decided to spice up my video by filming in different locations. I filmed in some beautiful areas and saw and met beautiful creatures like the one below. It was quite the adventure.

UCLA TEE - Vintage | FLANNEL - H&M | RIPPED JEANS - River Island | SHOES - Vans | BACKPACK - Kanken Classic

Me and my sister were walking back to the car from one of the destination we filmed at and we saw this beauty. I've seen a few horses in my time. Never this close up and I've actually never touched one before. I finally got to do so. The horse was so gentle and soft and it sniffed me. I could feel the wind from it's nostril it was both weird and exciting. And I didn't not want to not capture the moment (double negative or triple) I first met a horse so I decided like any other person to take a selfie with it.

But first, let me take a selfie
SHEER TOP - River Island | DUNAGREES - Headlock Vintage | CHOKER - Ebay | BOOTS - Dr Martens

In the Lookbook this is probably my favourite not just because of the outfit and it's simplicity but because of the setting. Just look at it. I've never noticed the beauty of the lake that's about a 10 minute walk away from my house. I love everything, the trees, the ducks, even the ground.

GREY DRESS - H&M  | CARDIGAN - H&M | BIRKENSTOCKS - Topshop | BRA(LET) - American Apparel

There are these stepping stones near the area where I live. They're quite popular in my town. Everyone has visited that area. The first time I'd visited was 5 days before this picture was taken. I'm not sure why I'm always so slow on the uptake but better late than never, right? I wished I'd visited earlier though because that area has some of the most beautiful plants and attracts so many bees and it's just a beautiful area. It's gorgeous. While I was there I saw a group of friends around 10. They saw I was obviously taking pictures and one of the girls asked me if I was a model, I simply laughed and said no and she said that I was pretty enough to be one. It's probably one of the nicest things a stranger has ever said to me. It definitely boosted my confidence so thank you little girl.
Looking back at all the pictures from today, I realise how much fun I had. I really do enjoy filming outfit videos as well. I really just want to go exploring around my area because I realise that I've barely seen any of it and in about 3 years I could be leaving it. So I want to turn it inside-out and find out everything about it. I'm coming for you!


Do you remember me?

Hey. Long time no see blah blah. I feel like that's always how people introduce themselves again after being gone for a long time. Not really sure how long it was since I posted on here. Previously on blvckbeauty, I had redecorated my blog and I had promised you guys I'd start posting more often. Two posts later, I'd stopped.

What's happening now? I've redecorated my blog yet again. I think I'm content with it but I change my mind all the time so I'm not sure. What I am sure about is that I will try emphasise on "try" to post more regularly. I really do love blogger and photography and just capturing every moment. You can tell by the 4,000 pictures in my Camera Roll on my iPhone. I think I might even do posts where I just show you the pictures taken of the month. What I aim to do now is post more outfit of the days and pictures of when I go adventuring. I will warn you now, that I don't get out the house much so there won't be any cool and different backgrounds or even many outfit of the days seeing as I only ever dress nicely during the weekend. But you know it's the thought that counts. The thought was there. I hope you guys are glad that I'll hopefully be posting more. So yeah.
