

I have a reason for my delay in posting May's photo diary. One word, the word that we all dread, EXAMS. Yeah I know! So you forgive me? OK good :) May wasn't all that bad if you forget about:
  • Exams
  • The anxiety before an exam
  • The late nights revising a topic you haven't covered for an exam in the morning 
  • Writing down you candidate number, centre number, name blah blah blah
  • The little talks about what answers everyone put for a question on the paper, that you didn't
Despite all that it was quite good. I got a new plant, technically speaking a new orchid, her name is Lilo (top right). She was a spontaneous buy but I do not regret it because I think she is my favourite plant (sssh don't tell the others). I also officially finished secondary school this month. My Year 11 Leavers was very cute and special and I will miss so many people. I also had the honour of being awarded with Little Miss Trend Setter which I am very thankful for.
These aren't just random pictures ok. Let me tell you a little story. So one day after like half a day of revision me and Kaycee decided we were going to do some thrifting. In the first vintage store we went to I saw this beautiful denim shirt with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck etc on the back of it and I FELL IN LOVE. Like I didn't know what love was before I had seen that shirt. Here comes the sad bit right. SO, I ask the shop assistant how much the shirt is as it doesn't have a price tag. She says £18 and I was hopping it would be £10 or something so when she said 18 my heart just dropped into my stomach. So because I'm a cheap skate, especially when it comes to vintage clothing, I didn't get it and left. I was so pissed off with myself for not getting it but by the time I talked myself into getting the shirt it was too late. So now some guy/girl has a beautiful denim shirt that I want. SAD FACE
The best part of May was getting my Brand New Dr Martens! Yes I did already have a similar pair but they were looking old and used and I wanted a clean brand new pair. I'd been saving up for a while and finally had enough to grab myself a pair! I'm actually in love with them and the breaking in process isn't even that bad. Oh and I've started collecting funky socks, I'll make a blog post when the collection gets bigger.

For now I think it's goodbye, until next month!
